Holonomy: The Science of Interacting Parts Within Wholes.

Holos = Whole. On = Part. Nomy = Systematized Knowledge.

The Study or Science of Wholeness.

Our work is informed by four decades of wisdom and experience in the fields of design & digital extrapolations applied to the auto industry, advertising, K-12, higher education and more recently to cities. (September 2014)

Through “combinatorial creativity” over time, we’ve developed and beta-tested a simple (meaning kids get it!) “Digital Visual CoDesign, Systems & Futures Thinking Sensemaking” process & platform to foster and facilitate social entrepreneurial learning ecosystems & organizations across boundaries & silos.  

We develop participatory, collaborative, transdisciplinary research-based models that foster creative insights for complex problem-solving. 

We design open source innovation spaces and places for cities, education, business & community orchestrations. 

“American Rescue & Recovery Plan” Documentary Playlist of Supporting & Evolving Initiatives