JOIN our Open Co-Design Zoom, 1:30-3pm, April 2022:
On NEW Ideas
Overview of our time at 4 N. Saginaw, downtown Pontiac (7 years). The initiatives co-created at this site are LIVE & DIGITAL, connected to public places & spaces.
Our OU / Pontiac Initiative Early Childhood Education (OUPIECE) presented on the "Resilience Screenings Initiative" at the AERA Conference - "Leveraging Education Research in a Post-Truth Era:" -
Session: Leave a sticky note here:
The Messy Business of Social Context: Thoughts on the Phoenix Center. A summary of our efforts during the controversial Phoenix Center demolition project.
"Design Walk" a community-based learning, STEAM placemaking program.
As part of the global, open source Park(ing) Day placemaking event, Pontiac celebrated at the intersection of Saginaw and Pike streets and in the "Hub & Grub" development concept for 2 N. Saginaw to serve as a community planning center and eatery.